Sunday, October 08, 2006

Anastasia's Love

"The Strange Creature"

 Anastasia's Love – The Strange Creature

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Dear Diary,
Something very disturbing has taken place. A few nights ago, a mysterious creature with pointy ears appeared before me. Before I could say anything it started to speak.
It said -
"The greatest love that you can ever have is the love that you can never have.”

This is what it said to me 3 times.
How did this creature come across this piece of information! Why is it telling me this?
Again it chanted -
"The greatest love that you can ever have is the love that you can never have.”

Who gives this creature the right to speak? Not I. Shut up, you ugly beast. Go Away!

The creature refused to obey me and its chants only got louder and louder.
"The greatest love that you can ever have is the love that you can never have.”
"The greatest love that you can ever have is the love that you can never have.”
"The greatest love that you can ever have is the love that you can never have.”

Why can’t it stop? It’s voice started to make my head pound. My head was this creature’s new drum and it had obtained great pleasure from brutally pounding on my head. Again it screamed in a mocking tone
"The greatest love that you can ever have is the love that you can never have.”

Oh, dear diary, I know you feel great pity upon me. Even I felt sorry for myself. How could this creature be so cruel to someone as innocent as me?
I realize that perhaps this creature wasn’t pure evil. It was its tongue that was the true criminal. Again this evil tongue squealed -
"The greatest love that you can ever have is the love that you can never have.”

But this time I was ready..... I grabbed one of the burning candles near my night-stand and shoved it in its mouth. The creature was dumb-founded and shocked. It tried to scream again -
"The greatest love that you can ever have is the love that you can never have.”

However its mouth was on fire and its evil tongue turned into black ashes.
Haahaahahhahhaha… Do you think you can torment I, Anastasia and continue to exist in harmony?

The creature slowly blinked at me. It must have been in pain. After all getting one’s tongue burnt off is not a pleasurable experience.

Now that the creature no longer has an evil tongue… well actually it has no tongue at all.. Anyway, I have decided to keep this creature as my pet. Its’ rough green scales is something that has sparked my interest.

For now, this creature lives in my closet, though I plan to buy a steel cage for it to dwell in.

I know what you are thinking dear diary. Why did it choose to say those evil words to me?
"The greatest love that you can ever have is the love that you can never have.”

I suppose that is something that I will never know for this creature can no longer speak.


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